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Saturday, January 08, 2011

im thinking about...blogshop?!

7:05 AM |

Thursday, March 04, 2010
  Good Luck:)

Muahahaha Good Luck to everyone who will be getting their A~levels results tmr:) Sigh. Next year will be my turn:( Haiz haiz haiz=.= Its just something inevitable!!! Okay i shall go do my part as a good student to quickly finish up my homework and hand-in:) Im so happy to see my friends tmr!!! So see you guys tmr in sch:) Soe jus send me a msg..good luck guys for ur mother tongue results-.- I got it like last year??!!!! Well anyway i shall share my good luck with everyone who needs it thn:)

8:23 PM |

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
  Thinking cap...

Was not blogging for many many days. Well as apparently busy with my busy life-.- Haha somethings jus came across my mind recently:) Which was new year resolution!!! Hopefully it will be a good one i guess.
1. Learn to look things from different perspective, dont be too narrow minded
2. Use actions to prove myself instead of words
3. Learn to speak less and observe more
4. Do my homework regularly
5. Go for tuition
6. Learn not to be Last Minute
7. Speak more english and hopefully read more i guess to improve my gp
8. Gonna live my day to the fullest
9. Try to Sleep more
10. Learn to focus and concentrate on my priority
11. Time management
There's more i guess. Gonna update more of it nxt time. My bro's turing 21 on 3rd march!!! Great!!! He's going to celebrate his birthday in my grandma's hse this sunday..a great gathering:)

10:25 PM |

Saturday, January 23, 2010


你是: D 型


你是左右 or 右左的人?

你選: 左手拇指被壓在右手拇指下(左腦使用者),右手臂壓住左手臂(左腦使用者)


你選: C、只有一把鑰匙


您最喜歡的人選:L 您最討厭的人選:M

L小姐 - Love ( 愛情 )
M先生 - Morality ( 道德 )
B先生 - Business ( 事業 / 金錢 )
S先生 - Sex ( 性 )
F先生 - Family ( 家庭 )



10:39 PM |


羊 VS 十二個星座之特質

【屬羊 白羊座】頑固和愛批評,只會對自己有害。

【屬羊 金牛座】外表很迷人,但他懶散的性格會令他一事無成。

【屬羊 雙子座】滿腦子怪念頭,又經常焦慮不安。

【屬羊 巨蟹座】心地善良,和藹可親。

【屬羊 獅子座】十分傲慢,又常自相矛盾,令人無法了解。

【屬羊 處女座】十分無禮,只顧自己,不理別人。

【屬羊 天秤座】是羊之中的成功人物。

【屬羊 天蠍座】十分熱情,有智慧,有才幹,但會損人利己。

【屬羊 射手座】良善而有毅力,可以自己有成就。

【屬羊 摩羯座】能為他人設想,又能面對現實。

【屬羊 水瓶座】十分神秘,對什麼事都不信任。

【屬羊 雙魚座】在藝術方面有才華,但不能與人相處。

10:26 PM |


你選: C、一棟豪宅

你選: C、你的品味真好,你總是打扮得漂漂亮亮
解析:反抗、叛逆型 ----當你被人指使去做事時,決不會好好去完成。非常討厭一般大眾化,在創造上非常有才華,對于自己認為對的事,決不輕易放棄,會戰鬥到底。

你選: A、猴子 (代表的是朋友)

你選: B、超越時空

你選: D、枯死了

你選: A、鑽石

你選: A、農場

你選: A、紅色

10:19 PM |












10:18 PM |


Was doing some personalty test..

1. 在現實生活中,你會被哪一種人所吸引?

2. 在求愛的過程中,哪種情況最容易使你覺得情不自禁?

3. 你想給你的愛人什麼樣的印象呢?

4. 你最討厭的個性中,哪一個會使得你與愛人分手?

5. 你想跟你的愛人建立一個什麼樣的關係?

6. 你會通姦(外遇)嗎?

7. 你對婚姻的看法?

8. 此時此刻,你對愛情的看法?

9:13 PM |

Sunday, December 27, 2009
  Wake up call!!

Its been so damn long since i last blogged. Well after so much ups and downs in my life which there are more down than up basically, i guessed everything should be in the right place. I should be doing my stuff now and not procrastinating instead. Bad bad me has gone from bad to worse:( Has been keeping myself just for myself instead. Was spending time at home slacking during Christmas. What a rare sight no celebration, yishun or town. Everything changed as my sis got herself a bf and work. She's no longer belong to ours anymore. It has been so hard to spent some time with her..we're no longer the same anymore. Lifes goes on...you just have to be strong and face reality. Im so puzzled by so many stuffs abt school..feeling so restless abt it. Its sth that is hard to let go which I have been holding them tightly in my chest. I really donno why this year passed so fast. Its December 27 so near to 2010. Im not really in for A levels. Butt..i will have to make it to the final lap with my face lift high and thats it!! Even if i have to face everything myself, that should be the way. The only person who gives u strength is urself!! You only can depend on urself. Even if ur lucky star has not shine on you, you must give it ur best!!

3 great days were spent with minho:) Love him lots!! Im delighted to see him, hug him, shake hands and take pic with him:) Its been so great chasing him with my great friens as well. He's really a great guy. Someone that's extinct in my world..well he's non-replaceable!! He shall be the no.1 that i adore:) Got cheated money by friens:( Donno she'll return me or not. Sigh. I shall be more carefully with my money and not anyhow lent to people. Cause sometimes you may not know that person as clearly as after you lend them money. Totally agrees with clare that money is a very sensitive thing..which always leads to conflict and stuff!! So from now on, everyone should think wise before lending someone money. It doesn't matter if u're close to them or not. Its really a good lesson that me and cheryong should start picking it up!!

Enough of my ranting..i shall slept at 4am as usual. Hohoho bee is coming back from korea on this coming sat:) Its been so long since i last met her..goodnight everyone:) Sweet dreams..no more nightmares:( Let me dream abt min ho!!

3:35 AM |

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Life's been boring as usual..but yet life's goes on. I've been slacking since oct 5 and its time for me to be back on my studies. Last week was a weird week..have no pw but yet have to turn up for school. On tue went sch for building tables for library but i have shoulder injury so i didnt join them. I went up classroom to watch my classmates present for their op. Guan jia was as usual funny and weird. Wed to discovery centre and army stuff..nth much but a worthy trip i guess. It definitely enhance my knowledge. Thur i didnt went to sch..was sleeping at home. Fri was sci centre..body worlds. It was great haha it enhances my knowledge further. No laptop for me this few days..it went for repair. Sign. Firstly, no surfing net. Secondly, no msn. Lastly, its spoilt..i cant get into my home page:(

Another bad stuff up!! It has brought to my concern about this JANICE GOH!! Well she cheated me of my ten dollars!! If anyone knows her can you please email me at weifan_17@hotmail.com..this is her email drost21@hotmail.com. She's damn dishonest la..somehow i got her hp no and text her. She ignored me..didnt reply me. Until i text her that i should not be nice to her. She replied..saying that" seriously, i hau no idea whar r Toking Abt.sis u get e correct person?im indeed janice but my surname is not Goh! IJuz changed my number not long ago" Hey liar!! Whats up with the cap stuff? This is our conversation...

RE: Eye shimmer‏
From: Lim Weifan (weifan_17@hotmail.com)
Sent: 02 January 2009 01: 43AM
To: drost21@hotmail.com

Hmm so whn will be the stocks coming?

From: weifan_17@hotmail.com
To: drost21@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Eye shimmer
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2008 15:33:12 +0800

Hi sry to disturb you, it has been about 1 mths away since ur exams. Can i ask when will my 11 eyeshimmer coming?

From: drost21@hotmail.com
To: weifan_17@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Eye shimmer
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 19:45:21 +0800

Hi. so sorry for late reply.having exams now. supplier says stocks haven come yet.

From: weifan_17@hotmail.com
To: drost21@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Eye shimmer
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 21:22:45 +0800

Hi this is weifan here, can i ask about the whereabouts of the 11 eye shimmer?? I have transferred you the money quite sometime already, since sept 15.

From: drost21@hotmail.com
To: weifan_17@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Eye shimmer
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 20:11:50 +0800

Hi. do make payment to bank acc 109-73985-5 by this week.

From: weifan_17@hotmail.com
To: drost21@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Eye shimmer
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 14:56:33 +0800

Yes..can i have all of the eleven colors for $10. You also mention that i have to wait for two weeks right? so how i should make the payment to you and by when?

From: drost21@hotmail.com
To: weifan_17@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Eye shimmer
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 14:45:02 +0800

Hi. so u r interested to get all the colours of the eye shimmers?

From: weifan_17@hotmail.com
To: drost21@hotmail.com
Subject: Eye shimmer
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 01:42:43 +0800

Hi im weifan, can i buy 11 of them for the price of $10?
If not its ok. There are a total of 11 colors right. Are all the colors still available?
My hp is 92974332, feel free to contact me or email me.
And when can i get the eye shimmer after i have pay you and when i have to pay you the money?

2:00 PM |

Monday, November 02, 2009
  Thats about life..

Life's been great for me. This three weeks of school was great..except for that irritating person who never fails to make my blood boils. Was busy enjoying school's life with friends^^ Busy cause i just went to pluck one of my tooth, every Wednesday went to Chinatown for my shoulder-.- Simply im enjoying myself everyday! Serious i have no idea what my future will be with those "Super" fantastic results i had for my promo..and for the past few weeks i have been troubling, deeply in thoughts about my future and stuff. Its really hard, as in i ask all my friends around me. Really not much people knows what they gonna do in the future..

Oh haha i was watching drama and variety shows the whole day today..watching 海派甜心, 桃花小妹 and 康熙来了. Well recently im watching a variety show called 娘娘驾到. I thought that the combination of the host 周詠訓/郭鑫 was great haha. After a long anticipating for about a year, that tvb drama 宮心計 was telecast^^ It was great!

8:10 PM |